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Lim, J., Shin, J., Lee, Y., & Song, H. J. Freehal: A Framework for Editing Large Language Model Hallucinations. Available at SSRN 4893610.
허찬, 이동훈, 박혜영, & 박상효. (2024). 생성 기반 캡션 정보가 결합된 비디오 특징을 이용한 텍스트-비디오 검색 성능 향상. 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지, 30(2), 84-90.
Hur, C., & Park, H. (2024). EENet: embedding enhancement network for compositional image-text retrieval using generated text. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(16), 49689-49705.
Hur, C., & Park, H. (2023). Zero-Shot Image Classification with Rectified Embedding Vectors Using a Caption Generator. Applied Sciences, 13(12), 7071.
Shin, J., Park, S. B., & Song, H. J. (2023). Token-level fact correction in abstractive summarization. IEEE Access, 11, 1934-1943.
이동훈, 허찬, 박혜영, & 박상효. (2022). 텍스트-비디오 검색 모델에서의 캡션을 활용한 비디오 특성 대체 방안 연구. 대한임베디드공학회논문지, 17(6), 347-353.
양희성, & 박혜영. (2022). 자기 지도 학습 모델을 사용한 중복 이미지 탐지. 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 논문지, 18(3), 75-84.
신정완, 노윤석, 송현제, & 박세영. (2022). 개체명 사실 판별을 통한 기계 요약의 사실 불일치 해소. 정보과학회논문지, 49(3), 231-240.
Hyun, C., Hur, C., Park, H. An Image Selection Framework for Automatic Report Generation. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022.
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Park H, Lee K. Adaptive Natural Gradient Method for Learning of Stochastic Neural Networks in Mini-Batch Mode. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(21):4568. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9214568
Seo, J., & Park, H. (2019). Object recognition in very low resolution images using deep collaborative learning. IEEE Access, 7, 134071-134082.
Hyun, C., Seo, J., Lee, K. E., & Park, H. (2019). Multi-attribute recognition of facial images considering exclusive and correlated relationship among attributes. Applied Sciences, 9(10), 2034.
M. Sohn, H. Park (2016). Enhanced hand part classification from a single depth image using random decision forests, IET Computer Vision, Vol 10, Issue 8, December 2016, p. 861 – 867
H. Choi, H. Park (2015). A Multimodal User Authentication System Using Faces and Gestures, BioMed Research International, Vol.2015, Article ID 343475, 8 pages
J. Seo, H. Park (2013). Robust Recognition of Face with Partial Variations Using Local Features and Statistical Learning, Neurocomputing, Vol.129, pp. 41-48, 2014.4
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D. Kim, K. Lee, H.Park(2013). Weighted Pooling of Image Code with Saliency Map for Object Recognition, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 240, pp.157-162, 2013.5
K. Lee, H. Park (2012). Probabilistic learning of similarity measures for tensor PCA, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 33, pp.1364–1372, 2012
K. Lee, H. Park (2012). Modular PCA and Probabilistic Similarity Measure for Robust Face Recognition, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2012.04
H. Choi, H. Park (2011). Selection of k in Manifold Learning based on k-Nearest Neighbor Graph, Journal of KISS: Software and Applications, Vol. 38, No. 9, pp.497-502, 2011.09 (in Korean).
M. Cho, H. Park (2009). A Robust Keypoints Matching Strategy for SIFT: An Application to Face Recognition ,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009, Volume 5863/2009, 716-723,
M. Cho, H. Park (2009). A Feature Analysis for Dimension Reduction Based on a Data Generation Model with Class Factors and Environment Factors, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 113, 1005-1016, 2009
H. Park, T. Ozeki (2009). Singularity and Slow Dynamics of EM algorithm, Neural Processing Letters, 29(1), 45-59, 2009.02
M. Cho, D. Yoon, H. Park (2008). A Subspace Method Based on Data Generation Model with Class Information, Lecture Notes in Artificial Itelligence, 4984, 547-555, 2008. 04.
M. Cho, H. Park (2007). Bio-Data Classification Using Modified Factor Analysis Model, Journal of KISS (B): Software and Applications, 34(7), 667-690, 2007(in Korean).
H. Park, M. Cho (2006). Classification of Bio-data with Small Data Set Using Additive Factor Models and SVM, Lecture Notes in AI, 4304, 770-779, 2006.
S. Amari, H. Park, T. Ozeki (2006). Singularities Affect Dynamics of Learning in Neuromanifold, Neural Computation, 18, 1007-1065, 2006.
M. Cho, and H. Park (2005). A Robust SVM Design for Multi-Class Classification, Lecture Note in Artificial Intelligence, 3809, 1335-1338, 2005.
H. Park (2005). Multilayer Perceptron and Natural Gradient Learning, New Generations Computing, 24(1), 79-95, 2005.
H. Park, M. Inoue, M. Okada (2005). Slow Dynamics Due to Singularities of Hierarchical Learning Machines, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 157, 275-279, 2005.
H. Park (2005). Geometry of Gradient Learning, Mathematical Science (Japanese), 2005(03), 10-15, 2005.
H. Park, M. Inoue, M. Okada (2004), Learning Dynamics of Neural Networks with Singularity Standard Gradient vs. Natural Gradient, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 3157, 282-291, 2004.
M. Inoue, H. Park, M. Okada (2004), Dynamics of the Adaptive Natural Gradient Descent Method for Soft Committee Machines, Physical Review E, 69(5-2), 056120-1-056120-14, 2004
H. Park, N. Murata, S. Amari (2004). Improving Generalization Performance of Natural Gradient Learning Using Optimized Regularization by NIC, Neural Computation, 355-382, 2004.02.
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K.Lee, H. Park (2003). A new similarity measure based on intraclass statistics for biometric systems, ETRI Journal, 401-406, 2003.10.
S. Amari, T. Ozeki, H. Park (2003). Learning and inference in hierarchical models with singularities, Systems and Computers in Japan, 34-42, 2003.06.
M. Inoue, H. Park, M. Okada (2003). On-line learning theory of soft committee machines with correlated hidden units - Steepest gradient descent and natural gradient descent -, Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 805-810, 2003.04.
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Lee, Y., & Park, H. (2024). Efficient Few-Shot Classification Using Self-Supervised Learning and Class Factor Analysis. In 2024 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC) (pp. 260-264). IEEE.
이소하, 양희성, & 박혜영. (2023). 직접 피드백 오차를 이용한 병렬 가중치 미러 학습법. 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 1082-1084.
양희성, 이소하, & 박혜영. (2023). 직접 랜덤 피드백 오차와 지역 오차를 이용한 신경망 학습. 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 1069-1071.
허찬, 이동훈, 박상효, & 박혜영. (2023). 텍스트-비디오 검색 문제에서의 캡션을 이용한 공통-임베딩 공간에서의 특징벡터 결합 연구. 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 926-928.
송호준, 구윤희, 박세현, 차정원, 이영재, 허찬, & 박혜영. (2023). 탄소저감활동 이미지 분류를 위한 딥러닝 기반 경량화 모델. 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 1880-1882.
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Yang, H., & Park, H. (2023, February). An Integrated Approach to Near-duplicate Image Detection. In 2023 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC) (pp. 425-428). IEEE.
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양희성, 허찬, 현창훈, 박혜영. (2021) Deduplication of Retrieved Image Data Using Deep Network Features, (KSC 2021).
Hur, C., Hyun, C., & Park, H. (2020, February). Automatic image recommendation for economic topics using visual and semantic information. In 2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC) (pp. 182-184). IEEE.
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Hyun, C., & Park, H. (2019). Image recommendation for automatic report generation using semantic similarity. In 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC) (pp. 259-262). IEEE.
박상석, 신정완, 박세영, & 박성배. (2018). 멀티뷰 스펙트랄넷을 활용한 뉴스 기사 군집화. 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 675-677.
현창훈, & 박혜영. (2018). 보고서 자동 생성을 위한 컨텐츠 기반 의미적 유사도 분석을 통한 이미지 선택. (KSC 2018) 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 692-694.
H. Choi, H. Park (2014). A Hierarchical Structure for Learning Similarity Measure of Gesture Data, IEIE Summer Conference 2014, Jeju, Korea, 2014.06. (in Korean)
J. Seo, H. Park (2014). Detection of Faces with Partial Occlusions using Statistical Face Model, Korea Computer Congress 2014, Busan, Korea, 2014.06. (in Korean)
H. Choi, J. Seo, H. Park (2014). Matrix Correlation Distance for 2D Image Classification, ACM SAC 2014, Gyeongju, Korea, 2014.03.
J. Seo, H. Park (2013). Reliable Face Recognition using Feature Selection and Image Rejection based on Probabilistic Face Model, IVCNZ 2013, Wellington, New Zealand, 2013.11.
H. Choi, H. Park (2013). Gesture-based User Identification for Personalized Service Environment of Smart Device with RGB sensor, ICONIP 2013, Daegu, Korea, 2013.11.
J. Kwak, J. Seo, H.Park (2013). Illust.me: An Application Software for Caricature Creation by Facial Feature Analysis, ICONIP 2013, Daegu, Korea, 2013.11.
H. Choi, H. Park (2013). Gesture-based User Identification for Personalized Service Environment of Smart Device with RGBD sensor, Convergence/Smart/Cloud Computing conference 2013, Daegu, Korea, 2013.10. (in Korean)
J. Seo, H. Park (2013). Feature Selection Method using Probabilistic Face Model, Convergence/Smart/Cloud Computing conference 2013, Daegu, Korea, 2013.10. (in Korean)
H. Choi, M. Sohn, H. Park (2012). User Authentication using Face and Gesture Information for Various Smart Devices, The 38th Conference of the KIPS, Jeju, Korea, 2012.11. (in Korean)
K. Lee, H. Park (2012). Robust Face Recognition Using Probabilistic Models of Facial Images, Information Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, 2012.04
H. Choi, H. Park (2012). An Efficient Framework for Vision-Based Gesture Recognition, CCA(International Conference on Computer and Applications), Seoul, Korea, 2012.03.
J. Seo, H. Park (2011). A Robust Face Recognition through Statistical Learning of Local Features, ICONIP 2011: Part II, LNCS 7603, pp.335-341
M. Cho, H. Park (2011). Facial Image Analysis Using Subspace Segregation Based on Class Information, ICONIP 2011, Part II, LNCS 7603, pp.350-357
H. Choi, M. Sohn, H. Park (2011). An Efficient Hand Gesture Recognition Method for Smart TV Control System, ICCCS 2011 (Daegu)
D. Kim, H. Park (2011). Codebook-based object recognition using saliency map, Proceedings of the KIISE, Vol. 38, No. 2(B), 223-226
D. Kim, H. Park (2010). An Efficient Face Recognition through Combining Local Features and Statistical Feature Extraction, PRICAI 2010: Trends in Artificial Intelligence Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 6230/2010, 456-466
D. Kim, H. Park (2010). Face Recognition using SIFT and Subspace Analysis, Proceedings of the KIISE, 37, 1, (C), 390~394, 2010(in Korean)
M. Cho, H. Park (2009). Nonlinear Dimension Reduction using ISOMap based on Class Information, Iternational Joint Conference on Neural Network, Atlanta, U.S., 2009.06.
H. Park, M. Inoue, M. Okada (2003). Plateau and quasi-plateau due to singularity in multilayer perceptrons - standard gradient vs. natural gradient -, IEICE Technical Report, 13-18, 2003.07.
H. Park, M. Inoue, M. Okada (2003). On-line learning dynamics of multilayer perceptrons with unidentifiable parameters, IEICE Technical Report, 155-160, 2003.03.
M. Inoue, H. Park, M. Okada (2003). Evaluation of adaptive natural gradient descent in on-line learning, IEICE Technical Report, 161-166, 2003.03.
H. Park, M. Inoue, and M. Okada (2002). Natural Gradient is not affected by the correlation of hidden layer units multiplayer Perceptrons, IEICE Technical Report, 102(379), 2003.03.
S. Amari, T. Ozeki, and H. Park (2001). Generalization Error of Bayes Predictive Distribution for the Stochastic Model, Information-Based Induction Sciences workshop, 2001, 7. (Tokyo).
H. Park, K. Lee, Y. Lee (2000). Feature Extraction for Pattern Classification Using Class-Based Principal Component Analysis, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2000.11 (Seoul)
G. Kee, K. Lee, H. Park, Y. Lee (2000). A New Approach to Human Iris Recognition based on Statistical Information Theory, International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2000.11 (Seoul)
S. Amari, T. Ozeki and H. Park (2000). Information Geometry of Adaptive Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communication, and Control Symposium, 2000.10 (Alberta)
O. Lee, H. Park, S. Choi (2000). PCA vs. ICA for Face Recognition, Proceedings of the 2000 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications, 2000.7
K. Lee and H. Park (1999). The Generation of Emotions by Various Eliciting Factors for Life-like Interface Agents, Proceedings of the 26th KISS Spring Conference, 26, 1, (B), 307-309, 1999 (in Korean)
H. Park, S. Amari (1998). Escaping from Plateaus of Multilayer Perceptron Learning by Natural Gradient, Proceedings of the 2nd R.I.E.C. International Symposium on Design and Architecture of Information Processing Systems Based on the Brain Information Principles, Research Institute of Electrical Communication(RIEC), 189-192, 1998
H. Park, Y. Lee (1995). Adaptive SEJONG-NET, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Hangul and Korean Information Processing, The Korean Society for Cognitive Science, 164-168, 1995 (in Korean)
Thesis and Dissertations
H. Park (2000). Efficient On-line Learning Algorithms based on Information Geometry for Stochastic Neural Networks, Ph.D Dissertation, Dept. of Computer Science, Yonsei Univ., 2000.2
H. Park (1996). Adaptive SEJONG-NET for On-line Hangul Recognition, M.S Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, Yonsei Univ., 1996.2
N. Murata, H. Park (2009). Model Selection and Information Criterion. In F. Emmert-Streib, M. Dehmer, editors, Informtaion Theory and Statistical Learning, 333-354, Springer (ISBN:978-0-387-84815-0).
H. Park, T. Ozeki, S. Amari (2005). Geometric Approach to Multilayer Perceptrons. In E. B. Corrochano, editors, Handbook of Geometric Computing-Application in Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Neuralcomputing, and Robotics, 69-96,Springer (ISBN:978-3-540-20595-1).
S. Amari, H. Park, T. Ozeki (2002). Geometrical Singularities in the Neuromanifold of Multilayer Perceptrons.In T.G.Dietterich, S.Becker, Z. Ghahramani, editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14, Vol.1, 343-350, MIT press (ISBN: 0-262-04208-8).
H. Park (2002). How to Train Multilayer Perceptrons Efficiently with Large Data Set. In R. A. Sarker, H.A. Abbass, C.S. Newton, Heuristic and optimization for Knowledge Discovery, 186-207, Idea Group Publishing (ISBN:1-930708-26-2).
Application : Inventor(J. Seo, H.Park), “얼굴 인식 방법 및 얼굴 인식 장치”, Application Num. (10-2013-0156639) , Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Kyungpook National University), 2013.12.16
Registration : Inventor(J. Seo, H. Park), “지역적 특징의 통계적 학습을 통한 강건한 얼굴인식방법”, Registration Num.(10-1326691), Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Kyungpook National University), 2013.11.01
Registration : Inventor(H. Choi, H. Park), “손 제스처 인식 장치 및 그 방법”, Registration Num.(10-1299031), Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Kyungpook National University; Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology), 2013.08.16
Registration : Inventor(D. Kim, H. Park), “코드북을 이용한 객체 인식 장치, 객체 인식 방법 및 기록 매체”, Registration Num.(10-1244934), Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Kyungpook National University), 2013.03.12
Application : Inventor(H. Choi, H. Park), “인증 장치 및 그 인증 방법”, Application Num.(10-2013-0022198), Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation of Kyungpook National University, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology), 2013.02.28
Application : Inventor(J. Seo, H. Park), “얼굴 인식 장치 및 얼굴 인식 방법”, Application Num.(10-2012-0142295), Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation of Kyungpook National University), 2012.12.07
Application : Inventor(H. Choi, H. Park), “제스처 인식 장치 및 그 방법”, Application Num.(10-2012-0138081), Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation of Kyungpook National University, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology), 2012.11.30
Registration : Inventor(D. Kim, H. Park), “객체 인식 장치 및 객체 인식 방법”, Registration Num.(10-1174048), Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Kyungpook National University), 2012.08.08
Registration : Inventor(M. Cho, H. Park), “얼굴 인식을 위한 SIFT 알고리즘을 이용한 키포인트 매칭 시스템 및 방법”, Registration Num.(10-1089847), Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Kyungpook National University), 2011.11.29
Registration : Inventor(M. Cho, H. Park), “클래스 정보를 이용한 데이터 생성 모델에 기반한 차원 축소 방법”, Registration Num.(10-0883040), Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Kyungpook National University), 2009.2
Registration : Inventor(D. Yoon, H. Park),“텐서 기반 데이터 생성 모델을 이용한 영상 데이터 분류 방법 및 장치”,Registration Num.(10-0949893), Patentee(Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Kyungpook National University), 2010.03.19